Elizabeth Keenan

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    Professional Organization / Union Affiliation
    IATSE Local 44, SDSA Member, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Executive Board Member: Production Design

    Region: California
    The Electric State2023  Feature Film - Netflix/Paramount
    Raymond and Ray2022  Feature Film - Apple Studios
    Bullet Train2021  Feature Film - SONY Pictures
    News of the World2020  Feature Film - NBC Universal
    The Glorias2020  Feature Film - NBC Universal
    WIDOWS2019  Feature Film - FOX New Regency
    A Wrinkle In Time2018  Feature Film - Walt Disney Pictures
    Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk2016  Feature Film - SONY Pictures
    SELMA2015  Feature Film - Pathé Pictures
    RIDE2014  Feature Film - Priority Pictures
    Bad Words2013  Feature Film - Aggregate Films
    A Glimpse Into the Mind of Charles Swan III2012  Feature Film - American Zoetrope
    LUCK (9 episodes)2012  HBO Series - HBO
    Greenberg2010  Feature Film - Focus Features
    Alice in Wonderland (asst set dec)2010  Feature Film - Walt Disney Pictures
    In the Electric Mist2009  Feature Film - Ithica Pictures
    Bee Movie (trailer)2006  Feature Film - Dreamworks
    Conviction2006  TV Movie - Avery Pictures
    GRILLED2006  Feature Film - Avery Pictures
    CHRYSTAL2004  Feature Film - Chrystal Productions

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