• Attendees of the Day with the Set Decorator held at Warner Bros Property and Studios!
  • Attendees got to tour the Warner Bros Property warehouse and The Collection, which carries a more curated high-end designer collection of furniture, lighting and accessories.


On April 15, the SDSA held a Day with the Set Decorator Master Class hosted by Warner Bros. Studios. At the top of the day, the students were invited up to the Drapery Department, where Set Decorator Susan Eschelbach had on display an outstanding example of drapery for her TV Show Strange Angel. A very rare treat, Ryan Rittmiller from Warner Bros Drapery department joined us to breakdown how important understanding drapery terminology and installations as well as cost can be so important for both the look and the budget. Next time you watch your favorite shows, pay close attention to the crowning jewel of drapery and how it can really make the difference in a space. Afterwards students were broken up into groups and shadowed Set Decorators Hernan Camacho, Adrianna Lopez, Laura Richarz, Rosemary Brandenburg, William DeBiasio, Amy Feldmen, and David Smith, and shopped the Warner Bros Prop House. Together each group discussed how to understand character development thru furniture and smalls. Discussing how to add texture so sets don't look flat and how color works with the camera as well has the actors. 

It was most definitely a rare opportunity! 

Thank you Warner Bros Studios for another fantastic day on the Day with the Set Decorator. 

On to the next one!