Traci Spadorcia SDSA

August 9th, 2018

Main Photo

In a Few Words...

Which talent would you most like to have?
I’d like to have musical talent and be able to play bass guitar, piano, and drums.  I have rhythm, and can play air piano really well ;) but haven’t yet learned to play an instrument. We have a bass and an amp at home and I keep threatening to learn. One of these days…
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I’d have to say my greatest achievement is surviving and thriving in Hollywood. Moving out here 22 years ago with a fine arts degree and knowing one friend, to now really enjoying my creative career and my community of colleagues and friends.

Which word or phrase do you most overuse?
"No Worries"

What do you look for on the Craft Services table?
Anything healthy. Or healthy-ish.

Please name a benefit of being an SDSA member.
A great benefit of being an SDSA member is meeting other decorators outside of my regular circle and getting to see amazing work from the talented decorators of the SDSA. It’s so nice to be able to appreciate and celebrate the work of our fellow set decorators.


Partial Credits:

And countless commercials!

This Spotlight article is an excerpt from the latest BUZZ, the official SDSA Newsletter! <<Link to the BUZZ>>

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