
contact: Damon Carson
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 Williston, SC
70 State St.
Williston, SC 80030
United States

 Fort Mohave, AZ
5295 Lakewood Rd.
Fort Mohave, AZ 86426
United States

 Lafayette, CO
1005 S 120th St.
Lafayette, CO 80026
United States

 Forest Hills, TX
5703 Crawford Ln
Suite C
Forest Hills, TX 76119

Our company deals in the castoffs and discards of American industy. In doing so, we’ve become the largest “industrial thrift store” in the country with warehouses in Arizona, Iowa, Texas, the Carolinas, and Colorado.

Our company will keep 15,000,000 lbs (about 250 truckloads) out of the landfill this year by finding very different 2nd lives – including as props and set décor for the TV and film industry – for these byproducts and waste from Corporate America.

Here is a link an article in Reader’s Digest profiling our “repurposing” efforts -

This Dallas TV news video tells our story well>> (3 minutes)

We often get asked: “Does ‘repurposing’ make more sense Environmentally or Economically?" Or, said another way, “repurposing” is at the intersection of Sustainability and Affordability.

Here is a link an article in Reader’s Digest profiling our “repurposing” efforts -

Have a look at our website… …to see all the crazy, weird stuff we deal in.

Member Since: 2024

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